Nobukatsu Fujioka (藤岡信勝) is a founder, board member, and former president of the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform (新しい歴史教科書をつくる会) and a board member of Global Alliance for Historical Truth (GAHT).
Norimasa Suzuki
Norimasa Suzuki (鈴木規正) is a licensed massage therapist in New York City specializing in seitai shiatsu massage and a comfort women denier. As the president of Seiron-no Kai NY (also New York Seiron-no Kai), Suzuki spoke at comfort women denier events Texas Night in NYC (2015) and Texas Night in NYC (2016). It is unclear if Seiron-no Kai is an actual organization, as evidences of its activity cannot be found beyond Suzuki’s appearances on these panels.
In December 2015, Suzuki wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe criticizing the Japan-ROK Agreement (2015) on the comfort women issue, which was widely shared among Japan’s right-wing.
Website: Doin Seitai Center