Japan-U.S. Feminist Network for Decolonization (FeND) is a network of activists and scholars resisting both Japanese and U.S. colonialisms.
Founders of FeND are individuals living in the U.S. who have roots in Japan. We are organizing in response to the recent surge of ultra-right wing historical revisionist mobilization among some members of Japanese (not Japanese-American) communities in Southern California and elsewhere in the United States. For example, the revisionists are suing the City of Glendale, California over its public memorial dedicated to the victims of WWII-era “comfort women” system of the Japanese Imperial Army.
We also oppose the U.S. military presence in Okinawa, Hawai’i, and the rest of the Asia-Pacific, and the Japanese re-militarization.
FeNDの創立者は、米国在住の日本にルーツをもつ人たちです。わたしたちは、南カリフォルニアやその他の米国の地域における在米日本人(日系アメリカ人ではありません)の一部などによる極右の歴史修正主義運動に対抗するために当団体を立ち上げました。例えば南カリフォルニアの歴史修正主義者らは、 日本軍「慰安婦」制度の被害者たちに捧げられた銅像を建てたカリフォルニア州グレンデール市に対して、訴訟を起こしています。
great site. i hope you might also but other alternative facts pushed by the Japanese revisionists. Some pointers below…
This is not great site actually. Please do not make people to get confuse.
I do not believe it — Don’t you state any of your name?
It gives me hope to know that there are politically-awoke Japanese people out here advocating for what is right. Keep doing what you are doing.
If you are for decolonization, what are you doing living in the US?
Working to restore indigenous sovereignty? Just as indigenous peoples (are supposed to) have sovereignty rights under treaties, settlers/immigrants and their descendants also have right to live on this continent under the same treaties. See https://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/settler-treaty-rights
I think they have a right to live wherever they want, Shuggie.
Under the modern legal framework, colonization is very different from annexing. Pre WWII Korea or the entity on the Korean Peninsula were not colonized by Japan. Please read the international treaty throughly. You cannot change the historical fact….
Yes they were! Read Japan-Korea Treaty of 1910.
I am not expert on this, Deny, but, well, your name fits. If the Japanese increasing control of Korea from 1910 to the 1040s, with all their settlement, suppression of Korean culture, and oppression, is not a form of colonization (and imperialism), I don’t know what is. This is not to say that Japan is the only country that has done such a thing; my own country of the US is in a way a settler colonial state that displaced and mostly wiped out the indigenous peoples.
But here we are. Now what?
yup… both concepts of annexation and colonization differ. Korea and Taiwan were annexed ofc but they also show some colonial aspects because both concepts can be overlapped (please look up the definitions). Also, one of the mostvital distinctions is that Korea and Taiwan were part of the Japan proper, unlike Manchukuo and Mengjiang which were purely colonial-puppet regimes.
This is just straight-up false.
Korea and Taiwan were “gaichi” and thus excluded from mainland Japan political institutions and governed directly from mainland Japan by governors. People living in “gaichi” areas could not vote in elections and were governed according to a different legal system than the mainland
Lmao. Talking about decolonization while you yourself want to impose your Commie-feminist belief on Japanese society — that’s not so different from “colonization” through “cultural normalization” like what the Japanese did to the Koreans and Chinese in the past. Now, Japan is a sovereign country, and they can do whatever they want within their own country. And the first thing you need to do is to stop meddling with their national affairs. Just let them be, let them decide on their own is the solution to decolonization, stupid nikkei.