Special Mission Committee to Restore the Honor and Trust of Japan (日本の名誉を守る特命委員会) is a committee within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party that was formed in October 2014 to refute criticisms toward postwar Japan’s handling of the Japanese military comfort women system during the WWII. It is headed by Hirofumi Nakasone (中曽根弘文), and Tomomi Inada (稲田朋美) spoke at the inaugural meeting along with him.
The committee me 13 times over the next year to discuss “false” depictions of the comfort women system in foreign media and textbooks, and issued a report in July 2015 calling on the Japanese government to more aggressively “correct the misperceptions regarding the comfort women issue.”
Members of the committee were:
- Masahiko Takamura (高村正彦), advisor
- Hirofumi Nakasone (中曽根弘文), chair
- Takeshi Iwaya (岩屋毅)
- Itsunori Onodera (小野寺五典)
- Yoshiaki Harada (原田義昭)
- Katsuei Hiarasawa (平沢勝栄)
- Keiji Furuya (古屋圭司)
- Kuniko Inoguchi (猪口邦子)
- Kenji Kosaka (小坂憲次)
- Keizo Takemi (武見敬三)
- Taimei Yamaguchi (山口泰明)
- Tsukasa Akimoto (秋元司)
- Masahito Moriyama (盛山正仁)
- Kenya Akiba (秋葉賢也)
- Tsutomu Tomioka (冨岡勉)
- Shuichi Takatori (高鳥修一)
- Masahiko Shibayama (柴山昌彦)
- Yoshitaka Ikeda (池田佳隆)
- Tsuyoshi Hoshino (星野剛士)
- Michiko Ueno (上野通子)
- Yutaka Kumagai (熊谷大)