Academics’ Alliance for Correcting Groundless Criticisms of Japan (不当な日本批判を正す学者の会, AACGCJ) is a group of conservative scholars founded in May 2017 to refute criticisms of Japan’s human rights records and historical responsibilities at United Nations and beyond, including U.N. special rapporteur David Kaye’s report on the suppression of freedom of press in Japan as well as various U.N. committees’ finding on the comfort women issue. Academics’ Alliance is a member of Japan NGO Coalition against Racial Discrimination (JNCRD), a fake human rights coalition of far-right groups.
Alliance board member and secretary general Eiji Yamashita (山下英次) frequently accompanies overseas delegations of the Alliance for Truth about Comfort Women.
Officers include:
- Hidemichi Tanaka (田中英道), president
- Eiji Yamashita (山下英次), board member and secretary general
- Takashi Ito (伊藤隆), board member
- Keiichiro Kobori (小堀桂一郎), board member
- Kanji Nishio (西尾幹二), board member
- Toshio Watanabe (渡辺利夫), board member
- Terumasa Nakanishi (中西輝政), board member