Alliance for Truth about Comfort Women Geneva Delegation (September 2017)

In September 2017, Alliance for Truth about Comfort Women and its affiliated groups sent its delegation to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the United Nations Human Rights Council, taking advantage of the UN consultative status of the International Career Support Association. Shunichi Fujiki spoke in a meeting about press freedom to accuse the U.N. Special Rapporteur David Kaye’s report critical of Japanese government of “bias,” while Mio Sugita attacked the government of South Korea for financing anti-Japan propaganda and “brainwashing” its citizens to foster hatred toward Japan.

In addition, the group held a side event titled “How have the United Nations’ limited resources been EXPLOITED? Stop Bashing Japan in the name of Human Rights.”

The delegation included, among others:

Alliance for Truth about Comfort Women Geneva Delegation (September 2016)

In September 2016, Alliance for Truth about Comfort Women sent its fourth overseas delegation to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the United Nations Human Rights Council and to meet with officials at the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in charge of the agency’s Memory of the World Register.

At the UNHRC, Nobukatsu Fujioka of Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform gave a two-minute speech, taking advantage of the UN consultative status of the International Career Support Association.

The delegation included, among others:

In addition to the formal delegation, the Alliance for Truth about Comfort Women recruited members of the public to accompany the delegation for 268,000 yens each. Paying tourists were offered opportunities to enter United Nations functions as members of the International Career Support Association.